Waterfront Christmas Update

Here is a quick update of different events and things to get involved in this Christmas season here are Waterfront Church
Inperson & Online
Every Sunday at 11am you can now be part of Church online & in-person. There will still be a pre-recorded service available online. This will include Bible Reading, Prayer, Preaching, Worship songs & Communion. So why not share with friends and neighbours who are curious to find out what Church is really like.
On the Church website, you will also find media to watch & listen with Sunday Services and new podcasts to listen to.
During the In-person service, there are also programmes for Primary School aged Children called Waterfront Kids & Younger Youth. After the In-person Church service please feel free to stay for Sunday Culture.
Waterfront Korean Church restarts every Sunday at 2pm
Windows of Joy
Join us in reaching the people of communities this year with our ‘Windows of Joy’. Simply print off the ‘Windows of Joy’ poster (download below) and place on your Home windows, Car Windows, Office/Notice boards, wherever you can find space. It is a well-designed poster by Emily Ridge and has a QR code that will link to a webpage that features a short gospel message and a free gift.
Let's reach more people this Christmas with the Message of Jesus!
Download The Colour Poster Here
Download The Black & White Poster (for Colouring) Here
Regular Community Events
Each week there are community events that regularly take place at the Church.
Short Mat Bowls has now restarted every Tuesday from 2.00pm in the Main Church Hall. All are welcome to join.
Seniors Fellowship will meet on Wednesday 10th November 12.30 for coffee at Juniper Tree Café followed by a hour of prayer upstairs.
There is also a monthly Prayer Meeting held at the Church to pray and worship together. The date:- Monday 6 Dec 7.30 If you have needs or prayer requests or would like more information, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Juniper Tree Café
The Church café – The Juniper Tree Café is open Monday-Friday 9.30-2.30 and has a great selection of quality food and hot drinks on offer.
Church Lunch - Join for a lovely afternoon of fellowship and good food at the Juniper Tree Café from 12.30 every Thursday.
There are also a 10% discount for Seniors & Students available on Mondays & Thursdays throughout September.
Extra Dates for the Diary!
Saturday 20th November – Men[s Event: Watch Wales v Australia on Big Screen at Church (All Men welcome)
Saturday 27th November 10.00am-2.00pm – Christmas Fayre
Monday 6th Dec 7.30 – Prayer Meeting at the Church
Sunday 12th December 11am - Christmas Community Service featuring Primary Schools and Waterfront Kids
Sunday 19th December 11am – Traditional Carol Service
All Our Christmas Weekend services will be available online only.
Friday 24th December 7pm - Christmas Eve Service
Sat 25th December 10am - Christmas Day Service
Sunday 26th December 11am - Special Boxing Day Service