Missionary News | April 2020

Each month, Ruth Vincent would give us a report of Missionary News and Prayer requests. As we are not able to present it to you ‘live’ at Church, here is her report (taken from different missionary partners) for you to savour and pray over. For a full report from any of our missionary partners please get in touch.
Action Overseas writes:-These are extraordinary days, brought to us by God's loving hand but do not let your hearts be troubled (John 14:1). Lift up your eyes to the hills and see your help comes from the LORD (Psalm 121:1). Encourage one another daily (Hebrews 3:13) and let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers (Galatians 6:9-10). Please pray, give and act as fervently as you can.
Most of the countries in Asia are in Lockdown. In Vietnam, Ps. David and his wife Tram have both lost their jobs due to Coronavirus shutdowns. Ps. David, tells us that 'over 60% of his congregation have now left Saigon and gone to other areas in Vietnam, either to turn to their hometown or look for work elsewhere. The situation is desperate, please pray for us'.
In Laos, Actionoverseas has been told the authorities are using the Coronavirus as an excuse to crackdown on worship spaces and all movement has been stopped. Please pray for our partners here.
In Thailand a similar situation. Please pray for Ps. Alan and Mickey Jones as they continue to live and minister in a difficult situation.
In Pakistan, all gatherings have been curtailed. There is not the same opportunity for on line services so reaching out to congregation members is more of a challenge. Please pray for Ps. Tariq and Safina as they navigate this situation.
In Nepal, Ps. Bijay reports that gatherings are still allowed up to 25 people (however this may have changed by the time you read this) and although there is the threat of Coronavirus and he asks for our prayers for protection.
In Qatar our contacts tell us that all worship has been closed down although they are able to meet on line. They have just finished a week of prayer and fasting for the nation and the world in light of Coronavirus.
In Sri Lanka, Ps. Shehan tells us that all church services have been shut down and over this last weekend the whole of the country was under curfew.
Pray for these nations and those we know there. Indeed pray for all of Asia at this time.
Many African countries now have restricted movement and border controls. Pray for those nations where ActionOverseas has a footprint today. South Africa, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Lesotho.
Pray for the church in Malawi, not yet impacted by Coronavirus according to Government figures but lets uphold the National Leadership Team of the Apostolic Church in Malawi and Ps. Alan and Sandra Skene and all the church members for protection.
David and Mei write:- For us in the Philippines, this is day 9 of a full community quarantine, with police and soldiers patrolling the streets and military checkpoints everywhere. With Mei’s mother working for the village council, we have been able to secure ID’s and passes to travel between the different villages and to see the scope of how this is affecting people in the third world.
We don’t have the doctors or the nurses or the healthcare workers, and the government are appealing for volunteers to try and deal with this. We also don’t have food. There are supermarkets but nobody has the money to buy food and now after 9 days with no aid or support, people are quite literally starving to death. We have 25 families in the church who have had nothing, no money, no food, no fresh drinking water and starvation is now the greatest threat we face.
Despite no ministry money coming in since we started this quarantine lock-down, we have still given every day and have supported 10 families up until to this point, but we have nothing more to give. We are quite literally watching people starve to death while the government fusses over what if any aid should be made available.
But we are praying, and we are believing. God is not panicking, God is not afraid or overwhelmed, He knows how to take care of His people, to sustain us and to bring us through We’ve got our heads lifted high, looking for the ravens, He took care of Elijah, He can take care of you too.
For the believers, this should be business as normal, this is not the time to fear, we believed God before Covid-19, we’ll believe God through this and we will still believe God after this is over. This not the end, these things will pass, this gospel must be preached for a witness.
Stand by Me write:- With little access to water, soap, sanitiser, having no purchasing power to buy enough food and being unable to self isolate in fear of losing their fragile employment and income, our children and their families are at risk.
Sadly, Coronavirus has now reached rural parts of Ethiopia where we support 1,050 children and their families. The Ethiopian government has closed all schools in an attempt to minimise contagion and is encouraging self isolation. It is worth pausing our children’s education to protect their health but our children cannot afford to miss out on their lifeline of regular meals received at school. With their families too poor to provide adequate food at home, malnourishment and even starvation are a very real danger.
To ensure that no child goes hungry, in faith we have sent money to Ethiopia for our staff to buy supplies and give out food parcels to every family in our care, starting with the most destitute and at risk. Each monthly food parcel costs £40 and will provide a family with essential food and soap to keep a family nourished and healthy while enabling them to remain isolated. We want to provide food parcels for as long as required and we are already planning similar efforts to support our projects in Colombia and Nepal.
We would be so grateful for any contribution you can make towards a food parcel, bringing security and hope to a family in what can be a fearful time. We at Stand by Me are trusting in God and asking him to lead us to bring His light during this dark period. Your prayers would be much appreciated and we pray that you and your family will know God’s peace and protection. If you are able to donate to please visit Stand by Me Appeal.