Swansea CU Mission 2020 Report

Megan Conway (UCCF Staff Worker) gives a glimpse in the life of Students as they seek to share the message of Jesus on campus.
The Christian Union (CU) society at each University exists to give every student on campus the opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Swansea CU is no different and the students love putting on events that allow them to do this. A highlight in the CU calendar is an events week in February. The aim of the events week is to be as noticeable on campus as possible, to put on as many events as they can that seek to answer some of the objections students may have towards the Christian faith. The CU seek to proclaim the gospel in word and deed throughout this week and a few weeks ago, Waterfront Churches very own Paul Davies and Arnallt Morgan supported the students by speaking at their evening events.
The week was called EXPLORE and sought to answer some popular apologetic questions raised by unbelieving students at the University and evening events simply proclaimed the gospel clearly each night. These events were so well attended, especially free lunch apologetic events. The CU students worked so hard to put on the week and though the weather was wet and cold, it didn’t stop their 8am prayer meetings or their flyering in the rain.
The students thank God for His faithfulness in blessing the students efforts during the week. They praise the Lord also, His name was made known and was glorified by the prayers, the proclamations and from one student giving her life to Jesus as Lord and Saviour.
Continue praying for the work of the Christian Unions across the UK and especially for them here in Swansea. The CU have events on all year round and continue seeking to make disciples in the student world. They are continuing to pray that the Lord use them to make disciples in the student world in this City. Pray with them that God would use them to this end!
Megan Conway is UCCF Staff Worker in Swansea & Carmarthen; Part of Waterfront Community Church